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SOS Bros React - Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 9 -

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Paul Atkins

Been waiting months for you guys to reach this episode. We finally made it boys.


My top 3 favorite scenes in the series as a whole. Was waiting for this to be animated

David Salazar

Became a patron for this episode and the rest to come! Like oh my god

Charles Darcy

Now we go on a run of greatness episodes


That's why Yukimura's the goat. THE GOAT!


This episode was so worth it, this is why this show is in my opinion one of if not the best Seinen anime out there right now. I love Thorfinn man and I am so happy that we got to see Askeladd again. Can't wait for more! The show just gets better.


The thing about the punch is that it was 100% instinctual. Yes, it was born from a pressing moment where he and his friend were confronted with some real risk and danger, but thorfinn wasn't in control. The fact that he still sees in himself these violent instincts (even if triggered by a justifiably dangerous situation), is what really upsets him about throwing that punch. He hurt someone without a mind, without careful consideration or reasoning to do it. In that aspect specifically (taking the situation out of it), you could really say that for a brief moment thorfinn was no different from the blood thirsty "animals", from the abiss, where their existence consisted of nothing more but instictual MINDLESS violence