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SOS Bros React - Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 14 -

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My goodness, cannot wait for your reactions and discussions about the rest of the season!!!


Caleb.... I don't think there's much profit in baby slaves. I think they just censored the death because even implying that a baby dies would be too much.


Someone should tell them too that snake wasn’t reading the bible for himself he simply was doing for the old man he is not christian. Also I may be wrong but I don’t remember Thor’s upright talking about being christian either


Yeah, historically infants taken during raids would be either abandoned or killed because they were dead weight that was too expensive to keep alive. : (


Snake isn't Christian nor was Thors nor are most characters in this show

Paul Atkins

Nothing direct saying Thors is or is not Christian, but Leif is, talking about Lent in Episode 1, so that's probably where the assumption came from. And just Thors being that Christ-like symbol makes it easy to assume he is.