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SOS Bros React - Ya Boy Kongming Episode 12 -

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If you had told me prior to watching the series that someone would create a manga/anime about ancient Chinese tactician Kongming being isekaid into modern Shibuya and becoming a music producer/manager, and that the show would be more than just a dumb comedy, I would've been skeptical. It's kind of amazing how quickly the story gets you to accept the ridiculous premise and get so invested in the characters. Not only is 'Ancient Chinese Tactician Kongming' a source of great humour in the setting, but he's also somehow able to set up incredibly deep and emotional story beats as well, and more incredibly, none of it feels dissonant or out of place. What a good-ass show. I sincerely hope we get a second season at some point. No matter how great the manga may be, there's always something lost when you can't HEAR the music in a series about MUSIC, you know? A series of lovingly crafted still panels describing Eiko's performance will never hit as hard as her song actually being performed.


Only two things were disappointing for me: 1) We didn't get more metal songs like "Underworld" 2) Kongming didn't actually DJ like he does in the opening XD