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Hey y'all! 

Just a reminder that we're going LIVE tonight at 6:30pm PT / 9:30pm ET to celebrate the launch of our Patreon! We're almost at 250 patrons!! That is wild, and we are so grateful to you guys. 

If you have any burning Qs you'd like A'd, drop them in the comments below. And if not? You're dead to us/rights.

See y'all tonight! Pour a drink and join us in 6 hours!

- R&G



Who’s your least favorite HeadGum employee and why is it Marty??


Hey guys! I'm curious to hear what both of your creative goals/dreams are. I know you're multi talented creatives, but what is the GOAT creative future for you? Dream project?


This question is for Rielleigh, why do you never join the Headgum podcast. Is it true that you do quote on quote feel it's beneath you and that you don't have time for this "garbage"?


What is your favorite improv bit that you have done on an episode?


This one is for Geoff: what kind of mileage does that backside wagon you're driving have?

Erik Crust

Question for Reilly: what was your favorite part about going to school/living in Boston? Question for Geoff: who do you think you are?

Brandon Long

What's your absolute favorite episode of Jake and amir. And you HAVE to pick one each. No "there's so many good ones" and start listing some off. Name one, each, ya dingbats.


What's it like working for headgum?


We should absolutely boycott this livestream. Just let them sit in silence for an hour waiting for any of their 0 fans to show up. Did I pay 20 dollars just to say this, this piece of hate mail? Absolutely I did. So whose the real idiot?


I have a Q for Geoff. How much did your uncle have to pay for Headgum to hire your phat but untalented ass? And a Q for Reilly. Who are you going to choose as your VP when you run for office as you inevitably will because you’re a gift from the heavens, a talent to behold, and absolute second coming


Here's a little game for you, Arrested Development style. Fuck marry kill: Tobias, GOB, Buster

Michael Rowland

Do either of you like scary movies? What are some of your favorites? Least favorites? Imagine how funny it would be if you both hated horror movies. Just imagine it!

Sarah Hunt

Do you all have any niche comedy/show/movie recommendations that you don't think get enough hype or love?

Nolan Murphy

If you guys could write for any tv show past or present which one?

Nolan Murphy

Best LA burger chain? And why is it Fatburger?

Evan Cordero

What has been your favorite pod that you've guested on? And what's one pod you want to guest on?

maya bee (skiloose)

Second best way to cook an egg? Don't answer in a joking manner or I'll cry. I want it dead serious, or I'm furious.

Bolo Santosi

What is the absolute worst play/musical/show you've ever seen live, NY or otherwise?


2 questions: 1, do yall fuck wit Young Thug? and 2, when it comes to linguistics do yall subscribe to the prescriptivist's theory or descriptivist's?


Q: Ever been out of the country? If so, where? And why?


Bad question, right bud? We already know it’s a nightmare because of the way Amir treats them? Go back to the drawing board?


Geoff, can you explain to Erik Crust why watches and horology are so chill? He just doesn’t get it


Reilly: favorite breed of puppy? Geoff: how dare you?

Jackson Hansell

What’s your favorite type of bread, grain wise?

Jackson Hansell

And Geoff, I see that you follow Clairo on the gram. Favorite song? I dabble with the ‘ol Clair-o from time to time, and would like to hear your opinion is all...

Rob Moon

I don't think I'll be able to listen live because I'm at work but congrats on the patreon! You guys are LOL

Lauren Millang

Drink of choice? I am enjoying an ice cold sangria...

Lauren Millang

Convince me too keep supporting you goo goo ga ga babies... and go!

sean mc

What is your favorite Jake and Amir sketch?


Hey Wagon Guy, I founded an indie fragrance company. If you start a watch pod, can I sponsor it?

Nate Porteous

Are there any particular Hallmark movies you two are looking forward to watching? Hit us with that tease, ya sleaze!


Why didn’t you figure out the live stream?