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Hey y'all!

So our last livestream obviously went, well, POOR! So tomorrow night at 5pm PT / 8pm ET, we are looking to redeem ourselves by doing an hour-long Q&A livestream on ye olde STREAMYARD (streaming on YouTube), which we've used before and should be able to figure out! 

If you have any questions for the stream, drop 'em in the comments below! We'll try to get to as many as probable, as well as answer any questions that come in through the chat on the day!

Happy voting! Stay safe out there! Fuck Trump!

Reilly & Geoff


Nolan Murphy

Geoff as an Ohio Native do you like Skyline Chilli?


We're getting close to the end of the year, what were your favorite shows to watch this year?


Question for Geoff: what was your most traumatizing memory of 2020?

Zach Mills

What do you guys think about electronic voting in this post-paper, future-phone, digi-ciety that...we’re all a part of?

Josh Tischler

What do you think about the allegations?

Cameron Bradley

Geoff and Reilly, any long form videos or scripted content in the pipeline for you guys? Have you been writing anything that you'd wanna share?

sean mc

What are you guys’ favorite J&A videos?


Reilly, do you consider yourself a millennial ?

Austin Boston

Let's just say I work 2nd shift and can't join the live stream, can I still watch it sometime somehow?

Zac 3amsoda

Hows Georges doing?


From the last thread: Who are your comedic inspirations? Also, Geoff mentioned once he wanted to be on Comedy Bang Bang. Any characters you'd want to try out given the chance? (Reilly can answer this too, as Geoff)

Jordan H.J.

Do you guys officially see yourselves as a 'comedy duo' now rather than just friends/colleagues, and think that's the direction you will go in?

maya bee (skiloose)

For Reilly; how are you DOING Reilly?? Hope you’re staying well, I know the election anxiety is through the roof rn but I hope you’re doing okay and staying well <3 Also if Jeff can just stay quiet while Reilly answers this one that’d be ideal. Really just wanna hear from her lol.

Garret G

Yo do you guys ever redo a bit that like started well and then fizzled? Like use the same start or the same elements but do it better? How often do you cut an entire review + improv and replace it with a new review that might lead to better improv? How many yugioh cards do you own (individually or together)?

Erik Crust

Getting this in late but, what do you guys like about me lol