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Hey all you podcats and pod-kittens (looking at you Hansell)! We wanted to send out a lil save-the-date (an STD, if you will!) for our December Q&A livestream!

We will be streaming live/yard this Friday, December 11th @ 5pm PT / 8pm ET!

We hope to see y'all there with some JUICY questions! Geoff has agreed to not pass on ANY questions, so be sure to come with some super personal queries!

- Reilly & Geoff


uncle fucklord

I'm officially not gonna miss this one. I'll be joining the zoom from an Airbnb. And they're-seein-me smoking cigarettes like its going out of fashion!


don't use STD like that man. obviously that's bad and you get that right?


I'd love to get an STD from you Geoff.😉


Also thats my birthday and if you don't wish me a happy birthday I am actually going to cry.

uncle fucklord

Question numero UNO: How does Geoff fit that beanbag chair badonkadonk into human jeans?


you don't "have to". no one ever "has to get it"...... but maybe you deserve it. I'm serious!

Eli Smirin

I would sign up for the vipodcat tier but Adobe stole all my cash. I forgot to cancel my Free trial, sure but the little rascals robbed me blind!

Daniel Becker

Favourite lesbian Christmas movie?


Um. Yeah man, I don't think you should be looking at Jackson Hansell, at all, actually.

Dhruv Satish

That’s 1am in england, on a school night no less! 🥲🥲 don’t think I’ll be able to make it on account of the time difference is all


Here's a question: how do I fix my downstairs toilet? It's not flushing, is all

Garret G

Open the back and raise the chain by one link


Mine, you ask? Why I'm a big fan of Trader Joe's peppermint ice cream and peppermint bark. Imagine my despair when I visited Joe today and they were sold out. Merry fucking Christmas