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Before holidays!!

Don’t worry. I’m working extra hard so you have videos during the month of august. ;)




Very sexy 😘

Isaac Gómez

Claro, os merecéis unas buenas vacaciones, desconectando también! 🐻👍


Estaré en Torremolinos desde el 14 hasta el 19 de agosto 😉


Hard work, all that editing. Tough decisions to make with great camera shots. What to cut out and what to leave in. I love the results. 👍🏻


It's more simple than that. Most of what I edit out is whatever BSM fucks up with the camera (or whenever he coughs). That and when I look like a psychopath while massaging. The difficult (or more tedious part) is the audio. Leveling the audio so it's smooth and you don't hear abrupt noises. That takes time. At the beginning it was also the colour correction, because lighting was not right, but that's much more controlled now.

Oswaldo Jimenez

Sergio compadre por casualidad sabes si Alejandro Toro el que conociste rodando el film es gay o bisexual ??? Me gusta mucho y ya no es un adolescente y no está casado ni tiene pareja me da la impresión de que si lo es. Era del circo de Solei. Y bueno un gimnasta a todo dar.

Elvis luzardo

No edites tanto que nos dejas con el palo parado y sin ver nada