A reflection on my last video (Patreon)
As you could see, I posted a video in which the person massaged didn't behave properly towards me especially, but also to my cameraman. What happened is not at all appropriate and by posting the video I didn't have the intention of validating non-consensual behaviour. On the contrary, I would use the opportunity to get clear that this kind of acts must not be tolerated or diminished. As a massage therapist, this has happened to me too many times, and it's always very awkward, including this one. And it's not less bad when it's a man instead of a woman who receives it (with the obvious difference that I'm not in physical inferiority to defend myself, with all the things that fact involves) so I'd also like to take the chance to send a message about this to this little community here, that I think in its vast majority is formed by gay or bisexual men: You don't have to accept this as normal just because it happens often in gay bars etc. Obviously the context and circumstances are key but I think in general, gay people tend to break other people's boundaries because it's generally accepted to do so, which doesn't mean it's right. Having said so, and going back to what happened here, I chose not to make a big deal out of it, because for me it was more important to stay in good terms with that person than anything else. Also, because we are all humans and can make mistakes, and I'm sure in the past I myself have done wrong things in this respect. But again, that doesn't mean it's right or that I provoked it myself. People must be responsible for their own acts. If anyone feels the need to touch someone who's made clear that mustn't happen, that person can always choose to leave. Sexual desire is a very powerful thing, it's what makes life goes on at the end of the day, but it can certainly be controlled.
I know this channel is mainly about posting massage videos that have a sensual touch but I also post different types of videos, including "what's around" stuff, and that's why I wanted to make it clear that this is a different variant, like a failed attempt. I think it was interesting to share but as I said it's not like I'm selling it as a sexy thing. I know some of you have found it sexy nevertheless and that's totally ok with me. I'm not here to judge. I just wanted to make clear what my position about what happened is.