October 2021 Update (Patreon)
And we're one month in!
First of all let me thank you all for supporting my work. While there's just a handful of you so far, I'm very pleased with the way things are going, and I hope you are too. If you like the direction I'm going, please share! If you have concerns or questions, please ask!
At the beginning of each month, I want to have a post where I lay out the status of things, and what the plan is for the upcoming month. I'll also provide the newly updated links to the image shares (they change monthly). Finally, I'll explain how I'm planning on doing things, for current and new subscribers. This is the first of those posts, so we'll see how it goes.
First of all, content. I'm planning on providing a decent amount of content - probably not as much as some artists who have been doing this for a while (as I need to develop the skills, and get better hardware), but I do have a bit of a plan. First, the type of stuff:
Promos: These are images that are basically intended to be public, and advertise my work so that I can get more subscribers :-) While you can see this work on other sites like DeviantArt, E-Hentai, Renderotica... as subscribers you also get full access to these pics (URL below). These images are intended to be shared, so feel free to post/show anyone you like, all I ask is that you keep the links on the pics.
promos link for October 2021: https://mega.nz/folder/hgwxQIDT#NRD_i8Wb29mwk_-OWZCrqA
Notice that some of these pics also appear in the bonus folder(s) - but without branding. These are intended for subscribers only - the public ones should have the URLs.
Comics: These are the actual comic images, and as a subscriber, you get early access. Eventually, once an entire chapter is complete, I'll be releasing a branded version to the public. But for now, the individual unbranded versions can be only be found here. I would ask that you not share these, as eventually they will be made public. Comic images are released on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Bonuses & Wallpapers: These are images that will never be made public and are intended for subscribers only. I plan on having at least one Bonus set and one Wallpaper set (the difference being resolutions, and voting - the group will get the opportunity to vote on bonuses) a month. Links for these will be shared in other posts (as different tiers have different access).
Secondly, status:
The Things We Do: This is the first comic I've started, and currently chapter one is completely written, posed, and is in the pipeline for publication. Chapter two is planned, and writing has begun. In October we're going to get to the "good parts" of the story, in just a few more pages ;-)
Comics in development:
Cursed By Love: Main characters designed, first chapter planned.
Nanosexology: Some main characters designed, first chapter written.
Resurrection: Some main characters designed, first chapter planned.
Ryder: Some main characters designed. Fleshing out the concept.
The Quintrell Legacy: Some main characters designed, first chapter planning begun.
This month's showcase pinup comes from The Quintrell Legacy, the lovely Phoebe Quintrell. Seemed appropriate, as that's my erotic horror story, and it is October. So here's Phoebe dressed up as a witch (not how she is in the comic - but still fun).
That's about it for now. Again, thank you very much for your support. Please spread the word if you like what you see, and let me know if there's anything I can do better.