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So, I have tested positive for Coronavirus. Yay for me. My son got it early in the week, and we quarentined him... for a couple says things were fine. But I started feeling bad around Thursday - and felt pretty awful this morning - so I went and got  tested (I had tested myself at home twice - both came back negative).

The test at the doctor's office came back positive. Now I'm vacinated with a booster, and they gave me a steroid shot - so I'm hoping I'll bounce back pretty quick.

As of this moment, I have plenty of pages in the queue to release, so I'm not planning this to have an impact on the normal schedule. 

But -if- I take a turn for the worse, or just feel I need to take some days, I'll suspend the campaign so you guys won't get charged in July - I think that's only fair.

Again, I'm hoping that won't be necessary - but I wanted full transparency.

Thanks for all your support - I really appreciate it!


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