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November is here, and that means Thanksgiving. The Davis family is celebrating, and the kids have brough a couple friends... wonder where this will lead...

This month, only PC resolutions are available. There are so many figures here, it wasn't really possible to get phone resolutions to work. So the following are available:

  • 1280x800
  • 1366x768
  • 1440x900
  • 1920x1080
  • 2560x1440
  • 3840x2160

All images were natively rendered at their resolution - no up-scaling here :-)

If there are any resolutions that you're looking that I haven't done, let me know and if there's enough interest I'll add them to the list.

Like all wallpapers, these can be found in the Wallpapers-SFW repository:


Just look in the DavisThanksgiving-2023 folder



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