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Chapter 568: Are You Sure These Are the Extraterrestrial Beings We're Looking For?

A week later, within the capital of the Magic Kingdom, the Eternal Star, Lynn and his companions who had successfully returned from the moon instantly drew the attention of the capital's citizens.

After all, the spaceship they brought back was so huge that it nearly obscured the entire sky, making it impossible to hide.

Many civilians suspected it was the latest super weapon developed by the council, while others thought it was a city floating in the sky...

A large number of alchemists were very interested in this war trophy from the moon, and piles of research applications filled the Wizard Council, but only a few great wizards were granted the privilege to study it.

Considering the enormous size of the spaceship, which even the capital could not accommodate, Lynn decided to place it in the Dead Zone—the site of the initial nuclear test.

After a hydrogen bomb detonation, the radiation levels in the area had returned to normal. However, due to various alarming rumors, few people were willing to approach the site, making it perfect for some cutting-edge magical research.

"Is this the alchemical creation that killed the Moon God? It's really... massive!" Raphael exclaimed, looking at the spaceship, which was almost as big as a village.

Dennis walked around the disc-shaped spacecraft, searching endlessly for the propulsion system, but finally conjectured that it might have been destroyed.

"How strange, why is its shape circular?" Dennis pondered, stroking his chin.

In his view, the most perfect spacecraft should conform to fluid dynamics as much as possible. Although a disc-shaped object can better withstand resistance than a square one, it clearly wasn't perfect.

"The vacuum of space is different from the inside of the Eternal Star; there's no need to consider wind resistance," Lynn explained, also frowning in thought.

The intelligence database also had many spaceship designs, mostly favoring diamond or semi-circular shapes, which are beneficial for the operation of the thrusters. If it were circular, the uneven force distribution could cause it to start spinning.

However, Lynn was aware of one fact: a genuine galaxy-level civilization clearly would not make such basic mistakes. If they couldn't understand it, it only meant that the technological gap between them was so vast it was incomprehensible.

Victorio and others also discussed whether the circular shape might reduce some type of resistance in space...

Raphael opened his mouth to speak, since wind resistance wasn't a factor, perhaps the civilization that built this spacecraft just liked circles! But ultimately, he swallowed his words again, realizing the councilors surely knew more than he did; perhaps there really was a deeper meaning...

The discussion about the spacecraft's shape was brief, as there was so much to study about such a large ship, starting with the material of its outer shell. After experimenting with the [Divine Art—Material Deconstruction], Lynn was surprised to find that he could easily analyze the material.

What was unexpected was that the core element in making the spaceship was the very common iron, along with carbon, silicon, vanadium, zirconium, and other elements...

The special aspect was the chemical bond arrangement between these elements, a very unique diamond structure.

Changing the internal arrangement of elements in a material to enhance its strength is a common technique.

For example, the essence of graphene is carbon. A block of graphite can easily be smashed by a child, but when it exists as a single-layer two-dimensional honeycomb lattice, it has a strength hundreds of times greater than steel of the same amount!

As for why iron was the most abundant element...

Lynn pondered for a moment and thought it might be related to the properties of iron itself. In the process of fusion, iron is a clear dividing line; above this element, fusion requires the absorption of energy rather than its release, meaning that it's cheap to produce, and might even generate energy as a by-product.

Of course, there could be deeper reasons...

Lynn stretched out his hand, and various elements like iron, carbon, vanadium, and zirconium began to flow in the void, arranging themselves in a specific order and forming a shape, but at the last moment, they collapsed...

Lynn's brow furrowed, a result of the electron repulsion inherent in the elements themselves.

It seemed that the other party had employed some method to break the atomic repulsion, not just relying on chemical reactions. This was the technical barrier!

Realizing this, Lynn tried again, using the [Antimatter Sword] to slice off a small part of the spaceship's shell. Without any additional energy protection, the blade met only slight resistance.

After obtaining more experimental material, Lynn didn't directly use [Divine Art—Material Deconstruction] but instead infused his magical and mental power into the material, trying to sever the chemical bonds between the atoms on a microscopic level to investigate the reactions between these elements.

After about an hour of effort and analyzing around two tons of material, Lynn finally had

 some clues. To bond these elements together, the key was high temperature, high pressure, and high speed; they must first be converted into a plasma state, then collide at high speeds and correct angles under extreme pressure to overcome the repulsion of like-charged electrons.

Lynn stretched out his hand again, and elements like iron, carbon, vanadium, and zirconium gathered in his palm, then transformed into a plasma state under extreme heat, colliding and blending with each other. As the temperature gradually decreased, about ten percent of the elements managed to bond during the collision.

Seconds later, a blue, spherical special metal emerged in his palm, continuously stretching and reshaping according to Lynn's will.

After discovering the diamond structure within the material, Lynn speculated that the spacecraft likely had some morphing ability, a conjecture now confirmed.

Moreover, the material could self-repair. Lynn looked towards the section of the spaceship he had cut off, which had now repaired itself, though it was significantly stretched and weakened.

This was likely why the circular spaceship had maintained its shape even after a divine battle.

As for the severely damaged section behind, Lynn thought it was due to the large area of destruction; the material's stretching and repair capabilities had their limits.

It was undeniable, the wonders of magic were akin to a cheat.

Had this spaceship been obtained by the federation of his previous world, with their technological level, it would have taken decades to thoroughly research and mass-produce a new material. But for Lynn, who had mastered magic, it took just an hour to overcome the technical challenges.

This was thanks to the [Star God's] quantum-level observation and control capabilities.

From a difficulty standpoint, legendary wizards could probably do it too, but not as effortlessly as him.

Regardless, they had now mastered the method of producing this special material and could immediately start mass production if needed.

With this achievement, Lynn and Harof and others began further research on various facilities of the spaceship, relying on the cutting work of the [Antimatter Sword] and the analysis of [Divine Art—Material Deconstruction], and in a few days, they had roughly understood the entire structure of the spaceship.

For instance, there was a unique ring-shaped 'decoration' at the top of the spaceship, which, upon inspection, turned out to be an energy generator used to create the ship's protective energy shield. They also discovered a uniquely structured launching port within the protective shell on the side, likely part of the spaceship's weapon system...

As for the interior, it could be roughly divided into an ecological recycling area, a snow storage area, crew quarters, and a hall similar to a control area, but there were none of the levers or projection screens that Harof and others had imagined.

This indicated that the other party had completed highly intelligent control, no longer needing things like buttons. However, during these days, Lynn hadn't found any traces of artificial intelligence, perhaps it had been damaged.

"What are these long bars?" Victorio exclaimed, pointing inside the control room at the long bars, squares, triangles, and polygons placed on the floor, speaking oddly.

These items didn't look like decorations, giving off an eerie feeling.

"Could these be some kind of ritual implements?" Harof speculated.

Lynn stepped forward and decomposed them with material deconstruction, then hesitated for a moment before saying, "I think these might actually be the extraterrestrials we were looking for."

At his words, Harof and others' eyes widened, nearly thinking they had heard a hallucination.

Raphael was astounded and said in disbelief, "These are actually extraterrestrial life forms? How could any creature look like this? Then how do they eat, move, communicate?"

"Who knows? For a galaxy civilization with limitless technological possibilities, nothing is a problem," Lynn replied, raising an eyebrow. The certainty in his response was because the other party was also carbon-based, so it definitely was a life form, but a millennium had passed, and their consciousness or spirit had long since dissipated, leaving no information to be gleaned.

"Let's go, there's just one area left!" Lynn waved his hand, freezing these corpses to prevent any possibility of them coming back to life, then led Harof and the others into the most crucial part of the spaceship—the engine and energy storage area...


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