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Chapter 354 Leaving X Compensation X Reading

Regarding hiring Piyon to translate the Serbo script, Luo estimated that Ging would regret not setting a deadline. So many days had passed, and the progress of the translation was pitifully slow.

Although one must consider the difficulty of the translation, the progress was alarmingly slow. This was also why Luo was unwilling to wait any longer. It was already early August, and he couldn't let Linne wait any longer.

Before leaving, he went to see Sanbica. The timing wasn't great, as Sanbica was busy, but she still made time to see him.

After the Devil Island incident, she had earned considerable merits. Over time, it was almost certain she would be rated as a one-star, but because of this mission, Netero saw Sanbica's capabilities.

So, Netero created an environment that could keep Sanbica, making her the Association's exclusive doctor and providing maximum protection.

After chatting with Sanbica for several hours, Luo knew that this time Sanbica couldn't go with him.

There was no sadness at their parting, only heartfelt blessings for each other. Perhaps in the following years, they would both become very busy, but they could still meet occasionally.

"Work hard and strive to be rated as a two-star," Luo smiled at Sanbica as he prepared to leave.

"Aren't you planning to get a Hunter License? If it's you, you could definitely become the youngest three-star Hunter in the Association's history," Sanbica said seriously.

Luo smiled and said, "We'll see. I'm off."

"Wait." Sanbica looked at Luo as he turned away.

"Hmm?" Luo turned back.

Sanbica stepped forward a few steps, gently hugging Luo from behind, resting her forehead on his back, and softly said, "Thank you for coming to find me."

Whether it was now or back on Devil Island, it was perhaps the same.

Their body temperatures gently rubbed against each other, intertwining in the quiet atmosphere.

After a moment, Luo gently pried Sanbica's hands apart, a move that made Sanbica silently withdraw her hands and take two steps back, lowering her head.

"See you next time."

Luo reached out and gave Sanbica a light pat on the head, then turned and left, taking with him the strange emotions that had surfaced from his heart.

Listening to Luo's footsteps slowly fading away, Sanbica looked up at his departing figure, her face slightly flushed beyond the mask.

After saying goodbye to Sanbica, Luo followed Linne and quietly ran away.

Ging only discovered Luo had left two days later when he went to Luo's room. He then called Luo.

At this time, Luo was still on the spaceship, heading to Linne's residence.

"You just ran off like that?" Ging's voice came from the phone, questioning in content but calm in tone.

Luo glanced at Linne and Buhara in the VIP room, stood up, and walked towards the door while saying, "Do you expect me to wait there indefinitely? Who knows how long it will take Piyon to finish the translation."

Ging was left speechless.

Luo walked out of the room and into the empty corridor, looking at the clear sky through the transparent windows, and said, "You know, I need to follow Linne for several years to gather information on the Dark Continent. The sooner I start, the sooner I can finish."

"Got it. I won't show you the finished translation then," Ging said.

"Don't. I'll cover half of her fee."

"Do you have the money?" Ging asked.

Luo thought it was just an ancient script translation, which should cost at most tens of millions. He immediately said, "I have some savings. It should be enough to cover the fee."

"Ten billion," Ging suddenly said a number.

"What?" Luo thought he had misheard.

"The total translation fee is ten billion," Ging calmly repeated.

Luo shouted into the phone, "Do you have too much money to spend? Ten billion for a translation? Are you crazy, or are my ears bad?"

On the other end, Ging sighed and moved the phone away from his ear, waiting until Luo finished shouting before putting it back. "I'm not crazy, and your ears are fine. The Serbo script translation is worth that price."

"Do you think Piyon is the only one working on the translation? I acknowledge her ability, but even with her alone, it would take five to six years to complete."

"Explaining in detail is complicated. In short, ten billion is a bit overpriced, but it's worth it."

"I didn't set a deadline, but don't underestimate the professionalism of a Hunter at work."

Although Ging explained this way, Luo still found it hard to accept the price. If he knew in the Dark Continent arc, Ging casually spent seven to eight hundred billion to take the No. 2 spot from Pariston, he wouldn't be surprised.

How to spend money and whether it's worth it, Ging always had his own judgment.

For example, this time paying Piyon ten billion wasn't because he had too much money. He set this price after much consideration.

Piyon had a well-known archaeological team, and its members were elite. Recently, they had taken on a certain ruin, and the maintenance and repair costs alone were astronomical.

Ging found out about this, and since the Serbo script translation was inherently difficult and time-consuming, hiring Piyon at a high price was essentially hiring the archaeological team.

However, even an elite archaeological team, plus the genius Piyon, couldn't easily translate the Serbo script, due to the rigorous nature of the task.

Every word translation was extremely serious, ensuring 100% accuracy.

After a moment of silence, Luo said, "I'll bear five billion of the fee and pay it all at once after the translation is complete."

He currently had only tens of millions in his account. Though earning money wasn't hard for him, earning five billion in a short time was impossible.

"Okay." Ging was willing to share the fee. Though he made a fortune from Greed Island, his current assets were far less than ten years later.

"By the way, do me a favor," Luo said.

Ging asked, "What favor?"

"When I was on Devil Island, I accidentally killed a friend's trained dragon. I need to replace it with a trained one. Can you get me one?" Luo asked.

The other end of the line went silent. After two or three seconds, Ging's confused voice came, "Hello? Did you say something? Weird, why did the sound suddenly cut off."

"Is the phone broken? Or is the signal bad?"

Listening to Ging's self-talk, Luo's face darkened slightly. Just as he was about to complain, Ging hung up, leaving only the beeping tone.

Luo helplessly redialed, but Ging's phone was off.

"This guy."

Luo was speechless, putting away his phone and returning to the VIP room.

A day later, the spaceship landed.

Linne led Luo and Buhara back to her huge mansion deep in the mountains and forests.

It was a large castle-like house, its walls covered with green unknown plants, and the courtyard was full of flowers and plants growing chaotically, making it look like an ancient castle that had been abandoned in the mountains for hundreds of years.

An elderly man in a black suit and glasses came out to greet them.

The reason they came to Linne's house was to read books!

Yes, just to read books!

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