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Chapter 421: Little Killua

Sky Arena.

The moment six-year-old Killua appeared, he captured everyone's attention, including the experienced referee, who was also surprised to see Killua on the stage.

Although there was no age limit for registration at Sky Arena, it was indeed rare for such a young child to sign up.

Luo sat in the audience, hearing the contestants around him discussing Killua, their words mostly filled with malice.

The lower-tier ring matches were the first wave of screenings, with a mix of competitors, and Killua was unlucky to encounter a well-built middle-aged man.

The two opposing contestants stood on the stage, resembling a bear and a child.

The referee glanced at Killua's opponent, feeling apprehensive. While the fatalities in the ring were controlled, they couldn't be completely avoided, and Killua's age made the possibility of death on stage a grave concern.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and start."

The bear-like man twisted his neck, revealing a cold smile.

Killua's cold eyes stared at his opponent, his expression calm.

The needle inserted in Killua's head by Illumi would force Killua to avoid invincible opponents. Killua's calmness indicated he was confident in defeating this opponent.

The referee waved his hand to announce the start, and the battle erupted. The bear-like man, oblivious to the concept of caring for the young, lunged forward and threw a punch at Killua's small body.

In the audience, the waiting contestants watched this match with great disparity in size and age.

As the punch approached, the wind whistled.

Killua moved his feet, nimbly dodging the punch, then swiftly circled behind, leaping up, and chopping down on the man's neck with his hand.

With a muffled thud from the clash of flesh and fist, the bear-like man let out a low cry, stumbling a few steps forward before stopping.

Seeing that his opponent hadn't lost consciousness, Killua was surprised; he thought that blow would decide the match.

The bear-like man clutched his painful neck, turning abruptly, his face filled with anger, feeling an indescribable shame from his moment of carelessness.

His eyes slightly reddened as he roared, "I'll tear you apart!"

"Hmm~?" Killua pouted, looking up earnestly, "Uncle, if I had a knife just now, you'd be dead."

The bear-like man was stunned, his fury growing. His strong body suddenly exploded with short bursts of energy, charging at Killua.

Seeing this, Killua attempted to dodge and counterattack again, but the bear-like man, now cautious, wouldn't let Killua easily succeed.

He changed his tactics mid-fight, suddenly swinging his arm to the side, creating a surge of wind.

This crucial change disrupted Killua's rhythm.

Killua's heart tightened, halting his steps and narrowly avoiding the man's swing.

"The same opportunity won't work again."

Killua thought, continuing to retreat several steps before circling the man, creating a series of afterimages.


The bear-like man, seeing the illusions created by Killua's movements, realized Killua was no ordinary child, beads of sweat appearing on his angry face.

Zetsu, one of the assassination techniques of the Zoldyck family, is based on stealth steps, adding variable speed to create afterimages, and using this to create a chance for a decisive blow.

Killua wanted to end the fight quickly and have Luo take him for a big meal, so he decisively used Zetsu.

His body produced a series of afterimages, confusing the man's vision, while maintaining a calm application of Zetsu without attacking.

If the afterimages were a physical distraction, creating pressure to make the opponent reveal a clear flaw was the further mental application of Zetsu.

The bear-like man, seeing Killua's calm demeanor, couldn't hold back his attack, missing the afterimages repeatedly, and was eventually struck twice on the back of the neck by Killua.

This time, the man couldn't withstand it and fell unconscious.

"Thick skin."

Killua stuck out his tongue, having to strike the same spot three times to knock the man out.

The referee, though surprised, maintained professionalism and promptly announced the result, arranging for Killua to move to the 20th floor.

The contestants in the audience fell silent, looking at Killua on the stage with disbelief.

Killua grabbed the paper, jumping off the stage and quickly approaching Luo, excitedly saying, "Luo, I'm hungry!"

"Yeah, it's getting late, let's go eat." Luo glanced at the large electronic clock in the hall, already past five in the afternoon.

"Mm!" Killua put the paper in his pocket.

Luo stood up, leading Killua towards the passage.

The contestants sitting near Luo stared blankly at the departing figures.

"That man?" someone questioned in surprise.

"Isn't that Luo? The floor master of Sky Arena!"

"Yes, I recognize him too, the floor master who hasn't been challenged for years and skipped several Fighting Olympics, yet his position remains unshaken."

"Why is he here, and what is his relationship with that terrifying kid?"

Many contestants recognized Luo, feeling astonished, guessing at the relationship between Killua and Luo.

All the contestants present aimed for the floor master, and among the many floor masters, Luo was the most special.

In the past six years, he had only been on stage twice, each time defeating the opponent who won ten victories with lightning speed. Since then, no one dared to challenge Luo for the next three or four years.

Although Luo, as a floor master, hadn't been on stage for a long time, the popularity he accumulated long ago hadn't faded, perhaps due to his handsome appearance.

Luo first took Killua to receive the reward for reaching the 20th floor, then headed towards the elevator, planning to take Killua to the best restaurant in the city.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered Buhara and smiled.

Back in the Sky Arena days, he always sought out good restaurants with Buhara. Now, he knew exactly which restaurants were good or bad.

Currently, Buhara was entrusted with a significant task, helping Salin find books, while the Phantom Troupe had become a notorious group.

Night fell.

After a big meal, Luo and Killua strolled through the bustling streets, nearly until midnight. Killua was still reluctant to leave, but under Luo's insistence, they finally returned to their lodging.

Instead of staying at Sky Arena, they chose a hotel nearby.

Over the next week, Killua stumbled his way up to the 50th floor, while Luo happened to be challenged.

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