Some exclusive dark/dungeon ambiences - DM Dave collaboration for his Kickstarter (Patreon)
Hi everyone!
The month is starting very well for you, here are five compositions I made for DM Dave's Kickstarter "Legends of Omeria".
His Kickstarter, "Legends of Omeria", is a Fifth Edition compatible Starter Set that comes with everything you need to play D&D 5e. Not only does it come a new and improved version of the classic Fifth Edition ruleset, but it also gives an all-new 64-page adventure, Winds of Vapul. I can only recommend it.
Only one ambience is available on YouTube yet, I'll maybe post another one in a few days, but you can already download two additional here!
Legendary Guardians+ can get two additional ambiences by clicking here.
DMDave gives away many free adventures, you can get them with his newsletter here.
Have a beautiful day!