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Hello Patrons!

Each month, my friends at Forgotten Tales & Star Maps need some audio for their maps. In return, they offer us part of their work.

It's EXTRA CONTENT. It doesn't lower the quantity of audio I'm releasing. It's just bonus.

At Forgotten Tales & Star maps, they define their work as such : "We are architects specialized in 3D modeling by profession, and board game and role-playing game players by vocation. Our project consists of creating a large collection of animated and static maps that can be used in all types of games and platforms. To do this, we are going to create generic themed scenarios, always designed to suggest seeds of adventure and give ideas for your games, but without compromising the stories with specific details."

Info : I just had my Covid vaccine shot. It hit me quite badly and I have high temperature + flu symptoms. I'm just taking a few days of rest, but you'll get as much content as usual :)

Have a beautiful day/evening!





Thank you very much for your kind words, Michael. A big hug and get well as soon as possible from the vaccine so you can continue with the excellent work you always do! We haven't had it yet, but I guess it won't be too long....