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Hello everyone!

Four of these ambiences were composed for a collaboration with Loot Tavern (Helyana's guide to Monsters), however, they are still a bit late on their project and need some extra time for the FoundryVTT integration and final pdf creation so I'm sharing a temporary PDF, which already looks awesome!

All of these ambiences feature voices made by the community (you). If you want your voice in my ambiences, check this page.

The two additional ambiences (not made for Loot Tavern specifically) are the Elven ones. Since I only had two of them and I don't want to share tiny packs, I put everything together as a "Taverns" pack. I'm sure you prefer that.

You'll see that the "Haunted tavern" works very well for other purposes.


  • Mimic Tavern
  • Mimic Tavern Lower Level
  • Mimic Tavern Heart Chamber
  • Elven Tree Tavern with Harp
  • Elven Tavern With Harp
  • Haunted Tavern



Have a great day!





Always love Loot Tavern's stuff, even the unfinished drafts. And the Elven Tavern with Harp came just in time for our next session! Thank you!

Rob Leonard

Very cool ambiences all, but I think the elven ones and the haunted one are my favorite.