A new life for older content ? You vote.
- I'm fine with MGS creating uploading older backlog pieces to Spotify and such. 72
- I'm against MGS creating uploading older backlog pieces to Spotify and such. 1
Dear patrons,
We require your wisdom.
After carefully considering this topic, we formulated the following question and we'd like an open discussion with you. We ran the same poll on the Patrons-only discord channel beforehand to feel the waters. We received an incredibly heartwarming support, so now we submit this question to everyone.
Filip released about 200 songs on Patreon in less than two years. The backlog is growing fast and we would like to do more with it. More precisely, we would like to organize older tracks from the Patreon backlog in new thematic albums to distribute on Spotify, Bandcamp and such. We would do that to stay as active as we can on Spotify, and to alleviate the effects of the "hit and run" strategies some people do, which are morally questionable when compared to the value of our content.
Patreon is a core element of the well-functioning MGS machine, and your opinion has the utmost importance.
Thank you for your time and for your incredible support. If we couldn't rely on you, we wouldn't be living the dream of creating TTRPG audio for a living.
Michael, Filip and the team