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Hi patrons!

The usual monthly news post is here. It's about albums, Opus, new format for adventure themes and a few other things!


Patrons using computers on iOS had troubles with our folder system. A well known problem in mac is that merging two folders with the same name overwrite the content, which is a direct contradiction to our folder system. Since only a small proportion of our patrons use Macs, we prioritized the comfort of the majority (the alternative so far was to dump all files in the post, which is the opposite of handy imo). However, a member of our community found a solution for mac users. We updated this post which now explains the very simple procedure to avoid overwriting content.

New album

Our album “Biomes Collection, Vol. 1”, entirely composed by Filip Melvan, is now available! It features 8 tracks and was done for Moonlight Maps’ successful Kickstarter “Tabletop Essentials: Plain Terrain Battle Maps & Assets”.

Next months, we will share the Modern Ambiences Vol. 2, a Sci-Fi album, and (very) probably a Cthulhu album. There's a chance we share more than 10 albums this year.

Our "Chosen" tier patrons will get it for free on the 26th of April (message sent to your Patreon inbox).

Adventure Themes

To prepare the curated playlist for our new Opus features (see below), I had to listen to all of MGS music collection. Adventure themes were part of it naturally. I realized that some of them are not as consistent as we wanted. Indeed, it's quite a challenge to compose a single 30 minutes track that stays exactly in the same theme and dynamic range. The solution is generally to make a less defined theme and stay atmospherical. While some composers successfully made that their signature move, I think that Filip is more known for complex, delicate and precise compositions with (often) full orchestras. In that regard, we discussed and decided to reduce the size of the adventure themes to 15 minutes.

This decision will enable Filip to dedicate twice the energy to these 15 minutes and to orchestrate them more. The general quality of the composition shall rise.

dScryb Opus -> New playlist + instant search features

The playlist feature is here. I've spent a whole week preparing 63 curated playlists (that will receive updates over time as well). The new search feature (second image) really helped. You barely have the time to write "for-" that already 30 "forest" and "fort" audio suggestions appeared. Compare that with the ~6 seconds that Syrinscape takes to load a simple audio track ;)

The next steps are (1) Improve the Roam feature (basically: the fast play mode for those who don't prepare their games). (2) Import playlists to your own games (3) Progress bar and improved volumes sliders -> See third image. (4) Mobile friendly. 

Development goes really fast and we face very few bugs so I'm confident all of this should arrive soon. (1) and (2) should be done within two weeks. The rest should also arrive soon as the ground work was done properly earlier.

I'm really confident Opus will soon be considered the gold standard of audio tool for TTRPGs. Thanks so much to this community who enabled us to dedicate time and effort for this to happen. 

Thank you sincerely for your support.

Michael & Team



Rob Leonard

Regarding: "I realized that some of them are not as consistent as we wanted. Indeed, it's quite a challenge to compose a single 30 minutes track that stays exactly in the same theme and dynamic range." I appreciate you guys taking a closer look at this and coming up with a solution. I don't believe I said anything before about this, but yes, there were some tracks that I couldn't use in-game because of this issue. I'd listen to the first part and it had a certain mood/theme and tempo...only to change around the 1/3-to-1/2 mark. I can't use those very easily to set the mood because the mood/theme changes. I do like some variation within the "dynamic range" you spoke of, but I need tracks I can put on repeat and not worry they're going to have dramatic changes later on in the track. Anyway, just wanted to share my thoughts on this topic and say "Thank you guys!" for paying attention to this kind of thing and coming up with a solution. You guys have great attention to detail, and I really appreciate that. Cheers to you and the whole MGS team! :)


Thank you very much for your feedback Rob. I'm glad you understand and accept our explanation. Please never hesitate to give some feedback, especially if it's negative. We'll never get upset. That's the best way for us to keep growing. But of course, I know you already did and I can only thank you for that!