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Rio Cheung

Thank you Ju, Happy Valentine's day


請問台積電TSM 能否受惠於chatGPT?


Maybe also benefit to ASML


點解依家吹緊AI嘅時候,巴菲特走去減持86%TSM股份,反而增持aapl 嘅?

SH Wong

Microsoft, Nivdia, Apple, Tesla 都好似有正面影響, 可以買入嗎?


阿豬會唔會開一條片講吓Private Bank出咗個賭聯繫匯率唔會脫鉤,有14厘

Kwan-yuet Ho

I generally agree with the conclusions about the AI hype, but there are some details I think I need to comment. Although everyone has been hyped about ChatGPT, I do not think there will be an exponential increase development in AI in the future (I am not denying the continuously increasing adoption of AI in different businesses); instead, I think ChatGPT is the result of the research and development for the last decade. So I do not see an exponentially increasing use of GPU in AI in the short term. Hence NVIDIA is definitely overpriced now. On the other hand, in training ML models, GPU is not the only choice; a lot of researchers are actually using TPU as well. (But of course, CPU is also adopted in computer games....) Rigorously speaking, Google search engine is already using AI. You can actually type a question on Google and it will give quite good answers. But if you are talking about an AI search engine that looks like a chatbot, ChatGPT is not really better than Bard. Moreover, Microsoft also has a search engine called Bing, which already uses AI like Google as well. (It is believed that Bing's search engine is a good product as well, but I do not really know how to scientifically compare them.) But I generally agree that there are more rooms for Microsoft to increase their share in search engine market.