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Interactive Brokers ➡ https://bit.ly/3DX0Jul 

阿豬iBanker短炒投資精讀班 ➡ https://www.ahjutrading.com 

TradingView ➡ https://bit.ly/3otmn2o


唔洗靠估!簡易backtest excel免費送畀你🙌🏻

簡易Excel 已upload上Patreon👉🏻 https://www.patreon.com/Ahju 當你發現一啲新嘅交易策略嘅時候,你會立即用掙錢trade, 定係paper trade, 定係你會backtest去驗證你嘅諗法? 其實backtesting 無大家諗得咁複雜,只不過需要一個Excel,就可以幫你分析到你嘅交易策略係咪有效,唔洗靠估! Interactive Brokers ➡ https://bit.ly/3DX0Jul 阿豬iBanker短炒投資精讀班 ➡ https://www.ahjutrading.com TradingView https://bit.ly/3otmn2o #交易策略 #backtesting


Citizen HK

豬sir有沒個excel 條link?😍😍


Hi, Chu, what are the meaning of base length, trend and style in the table?

jun c

hi, ah Ju, May I know if you use individual stock chart for backtesting? And how do you chose them?

Philip Chow

Great! Thank you.

Andrew HK

Thank you ah Ju!

Jerry TO

Thanks. 請問有沒有書籍介紹關於trader看圖的技巧?


Silvergate is in trouble. Would Ah ju recommend to transfer funds away from Gemini (via Silvergate) or just leave the coins at Gemini and have a cup of tea?