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New vote !

  • 1) Picture: spike/creampie luna /Alt celestia 217
  • 2) Picture : Treehugger / Changeling 53
  • 3) Picture : Fluttershy / Werewolf 99
  • 4) Picture : Tiara / Silver / Bigmac 100
  • 5) Picture : Applejack 77
  • 6) Picture : Button's mom / Mash (Vr game) 142
  • 7) Short Animation : Small spike / Twilight read 146
  • 8) Short Animation : Small spike / Vinyl (Buttgrab) 75
  • 9) Short Animation :Small spike / Rarity (Cinéma) 118
  • 10) Short Animation : Octavia / Thunderlane (Blow) 174
  • 2025-02-19
  • —2025-02-25
  • 1201 votes
{'title': 'New vote !', 'choices': [{'text': '1) Picture: spike/creampie luna /Alt celestia', 'votes': 217}, {'text': '2) Picture : Treehugger / Changeling ', 'votes': 53}, {'text': '3) Picture : Fluttershy / Werewolf ', 'votes': 99}, {'text': '4) Picture : Tiara / Silver / Bigmac', 'votes': 100}, {'text': '5) Picture : Applejack ', 'votes': 77}, {'text': "6) Picture : Button's mom / Mash (Vr game)", 'votes': 142}, {'text': '7) Short Animation : Small spike / Twilight read', 'votes': 146}, {'text': '8) Short Animation : Small spike / Vinyl (Buttgrab)', 'votes': 75}, {'text': '9) Short Animation :Small spike / Rarity (Cinéma)', 'votes': 118}, {'text': '10) Short Animation : Octavia / Thunderlane (Blow)', 'votes': 174}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 2, 25, 14, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 2, 19, 13, 46, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1201}


Hello there! You've all given me so many ideas! I also noticed a certain appetite for more small Spike... Well I'll be keeping most of them in mind for future animations. Expect him to show up in more personal works!

As for animations: for the moment I'll be sticking to small animations, I want to work on small things I can make well st the moment and I need to continue practicing with Blender animation.

You' all given me plenty of good animation ideas, but at the moment the problem is that I don't consider myself good enough with Blender to do them, and I don't want to overreach as a beginner so I'm saving them for later

I also have another little art pack in the works for next month but I'll keep the theme secret for now. I'm going to be choosing 2 pictures and 1 animation for this one!

I gotta focus on the picture lottery next time





Chancellor Sheev Palpatine - "I love democracy"


Love all them ideas. To bad we can have them all


I like having the thumbnail of the proposed poses shown in the poll, instead of having to click on each option. Much easier.


Sp many good ones! Really hope the Big Mac one gets more votes.


Hoping for #7, but with PIV sex instead of anal >.>


Silverspoon doesn't get enough love!

Nicky Nick

I love all the Spike ideas! I wish they could all win, they all sound amazing!! 🐉

Nicholas A.

So many great ideas, but I can never resist sword swallowing