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You have choose and it's "Mane 6 with new body" . And "Daybreaker"

Yes i've choose to make the two best rating .I don't choose to send an date for this picture , because i've an big commission to do , and i want relax an little bit .

For the mane 6 I have to make some search , i don't know for the moment If I keep the soria model for rarity because i think It's the most suitable for her.

And for day breaker i make an futa version and maybe if i find something with cloth . (3version maybe)

Oh and if my text contain some faults please tell me. my english is totally good but i learn with you ;)




English verb endings seem to be what throw you for a loop. For example it should be "I've chosen" instead of "I've choose". You also use verbs that while technically have the right definition you're going for, don't really fit the flow of the sentence. "I have to do some research" flows much better and conveys better meaning than "I have to make some search."