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To many idea need of you for choose something !

End of the vote = 17/10/17

Hi there , I want talk about some difficult at the moment for publish some post . I'm on the setting and downloading of all software and save on my new computer and that take a lot of time . And i do work many time for my school (exemple i do draw for monday 50 shoes ) And i move for the familly and other ... well i'e some difficult at the moment for work correctly on sfm. Take my apologies . I try to realize an commission today but not sure if i've the time . Very stressfull because i do not have time


What you want to see for the next post ?

Vote Now! [Daybreaker x Nightmare moon (futa)] [Fluttershy harem (ref S6 Ep26) ] [Fluttershy x Discord (ref S7 Ep12)] [Daring do x Zebra ]



Take your time hon <3


Marble pie XD