Phantim / Hooves-art "Collab" (Patreon)
We love tentacles ! i hope you love too .
From an undelivered letter lost at the post office:
I’m afraid we’re still working out where they’re coming from. Despite their size, they are only a few bones in their bodies, so they keep popping up in the most unexpected of places, like bathtubs and sinks. Didn’t believe it myself until I saw a three-hundred point one slither out of a spigot. It was the damnedest thing. As for your question about what they are, we’re still working that out.
One of the boys downstairs floated the idea that some dimwit with a spellbook summoned a bunch of "interdimensional beings" (had to have him spell that one out for me) and lost control of them somewhere outside Ponyville. A gal down in HR is spreading a rumor that they’re some sort of exotic animal that got loose from a black market dealer in the Everfree. The bottom line is we’re still figuring things out.
And to top it off, their a damn pain to extract, too. They aren’t aggressive, per se, and I wouldn’t exactly call them dangerous, either. They don’t have any teeth or claws, just a lot of muscle. Come of think of it, I don’t know what or how they eat. They’re actually pretty darn friendly – a little too friendly. Seems their way of saying hello is to rip somepony’s clothes off and – Well you’ve read our report. But if you get rough with them, they’re a right terror, let me tell you – two of my best plumbers are still in the hospital after that incident I wrote to you about earlier. Hence why extracting them from houses is so damn difficult.
Worse, we’re starting to get reports that some of the ponies that find these things in their bathrooms or kitchens are actually keeping them! I’ve heard of some pretty wild kinks, but this is something else if it’s true.
I’ll keep you posted, but I’ll be frank – we’re out of our depth on this one."
Octavia = Phantim
Vinyl = Hooves-art
it's always a great pleasure to work with an guy as him .
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