Program of the week (Patreon)
2018-10-08 08:14:37
Hello there , Many thing planned , but very tight about the time .
- Correction for Ride before the night (and upload in public ) with an alternate version without men skin ( white and grey body)
- Correction ligthing and pose for Retake the controle "pony space" After reflexion i've to change again some little thing specially about his butt.
- Secret toy horse cock version
- Breed me young man second part (more faster and maybe climax if i'm good )
- Other Commission picture
- Other picture for pony space pack ( rarity or apple jack for the next)
Very very hard to take the rythm , i get at the moment only 6-5 hour of sleep per night this last time :( with the school work next too and sfm .
Thank you again for your support , i try always to make the best quality of content !