Program for the next (Patreon)
Hello there , I'm again in the rush for finish all the old commission , i guess finish the spike orgy for before the weekend .I've change an little the planning because i've forget some commissioner ( sorry) .
I've planned to participate at the futur artpack for the valentin's day , not sure again on what idea i make it's for that than i propose you for later an vote between some idea ;) .(i select 2 or 3 the most vote)
Oh i remember than i do finish too my own animation with my oc ^^ well if you give me the time .
- 1) Spike orgy ( big picture )
- 2) Fluttershy / Luna
- 3) Apple bloom x big mac
- 4) Lightning dust
- 5) Queen Umbra
- 6) Some picture for an valentine artpack ( with vote ;) )
Thank you again for your support <3 I hope than you have like my last work