Devotion "version 1" Animation commission (Patreon)
Devotion_v1_720p_60fps_Unnero11.webm -
Commission by Unnero11
Hi there , There is the next animation commission but again not the final version .
Let me explain you why i don't post directly the final version :
Because some people and teacher have council me to change of work and to don't stay on the same everytime ,the work can contain some mistake than i can't see dirrectly . So i've need of a break on the work and do something for at my back see the mistake and correct them .
So for the next , this evning i rework on the last animation "mash the button " i redo the export tonight and i post the final version ! The same for this animation but for friday . and about this one i do make 2 point of view but i change this one , with the background and ligthing increase . So no worry if you feel some work be less quality it's because i change my process of work and as i've say just before it's just the first shot ;) and meanwhile if you have some comment it's always good to get some impression before release it .