Program for the next (Patreon)
2020-01-14 23:49:04
Hello there ! So the animation is praticly done , because of some trouble from lalalexxi we should wait a bit before than i publish the animation with fluttergoth (mouth not animated )
Anyway that is the first part of the animation who come soon maybe tomorrow but that do take me certainly one day to export it . So meanwhile , i redo the planning
Vinyl and octavia picture come together and they can be fast to make so i add this both in first to make after the animation .
I redo an other vote when the other one is finish .
- 1) Tier 5 : Animation Commission Fluttergoth and the beast (part 1/2)
- 2) Tier 5 : Animation alternate Bonk Bonk ( Applejack version )
- 3) Tier 1 : Picture commission Vinyl Scratch x Double Diamond (cum mouth)
- 4) Tier 1 : Picture commission Octavia Melody and Thunderlane
- 5) Tier 1 : Picture Commission Zecora Strip club
- 6) Tier 1 : Picture commission Spike big orgy !
- 7) Tier 3 or 5 : Thing voted , certainly an Animation
- 8) Tier 5 : Animation Fluttergoth and the beat (part 2/2)