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Hi there , there is some idea for the next art pack planned , the dead line is in march , so i've the time . There is many idea for you ! I keep only the 3 most voted ! So i give you a bit of 1 week for answer it . 

For more easy way to understand the idea , go into my discord i publish all picture ref with theshort description next too. I don't publish the fluttershy stuff in public , i mean not only the organisator of the artpack have decid it .

I start now with an first personal picture than i post soon 

If you have question ask me in commentary , but it's better to talk directly on the tier 3 channel on my discord . If you have some trouble for get the acces ( because patreon bug ) thx to mention me into the roles channel .




Best poll choices ever! 💓


That is a lot of Fluttershy.

Dragon Ranger

You can never, I repeat, NEVER! Have too much Fluttershy.


15 and 11 seem like something that could be combined. Start with a sensual suck that escalates to a sloppy face fuck

Wolfgang Anonymous

how is 14 getting so few votes!? all these ideas are great tho, excited to see what comes out :3