Out of the castle "Preview Animation" (Patreon)
Hello there , i work since yesterday on a middle long animation . It should make around 30 sec but i try actually to animated it the most good as i can.
There is no spetacular not safe thing (Maybe just a bit :x )
But it's something than i want make for try to improve my capacity of animation .
Specially around the dialogue . But should certainly took me 1 day to export . And for fixe lipsing with lala . I don't give her never a lot of work to make on my animation so i try to correct that with this one .
And because it's her favorite charactere to voice . So Dirty talk and shtttttt
About the last picture i make the correction than i've mention soon , i'm just totally focus on this animation .
All is basicly finish i try now to increase timing and detail move . At the end the lipsing .
After that go make the second animation voted !