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Hello there , i work since yesterday on a middle long animation . It should make around 30 sec but i try actually to animated it the most good as i can. 

There is no spetacular not safe thing (Maybe just a bit :x ) 

But it's something than i want make for try to improve my capacity of animation . 

Specially around the dialogue . But should certainly took me 1 day to export . And for fixe lipsing with lala . I don't give her never a lot of work to make on my animation so i try to correct that with this one .  

And because it's her favorite charactere to voice . So Dirty talk and shtttttt

About the last picture i make the correction than i've mention soon , i'm just totally focus on this animation . 

All is basicly finish i try now to increase timing and detail move . At the end the lipsing .

After that go make the second animation voted !



Dragon Ranger

She has blossomed in flying colors.


Hottie confirmed.

Nah fam

When is the new model gonna be put into action? Kinda curious on how it’s going to turn out.


This sounds awesome, looking forward to it!