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New picture with blender ! Thank you a vyprae for the glasses model and all the other blender user who help me on the stream .

I try much more the cloth systeme for make pillow/drap/outfit , well i consider than i know how it work right now . 

Blender help me a lot for reduce the photoshop time , principaly for smooth curve and increase some part , as i can dirrectly sculpt them on blender no need to fake them on photoshop . 

But i still derp with all parametter , next time i want search how add bumpmap for give a skin texture reflexion . 

But today i work for a commission picture so i return on sfm for the next one . 

I've no male model at the moment on blender so i can't do most of the commission on it at the moment .

Thank you again for all your support !




Wow! This came out looking extremely beautiful!


Looks great


Lovely face and Derpy... WOW are you built like a goddess!


What a cutie! Your Blender work is going well, Hooves!

Dragon Ranger

Ohhhoho, indeed I do Derpy, indeed I do.


Do you make your models Hooves?