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Hello people , This last time i really desire experiment stuff and other on blender  but the time rushing me everytime . I know than the frequency can be a bit down but i do of my best for the quality . Like actually , create new type of cloth .

Don't esitate to share your idea and proposition , if you get some asking about the futur post or Good concept to share . 

Some people asking me to make longer animation , saddly at the moment i can't spend to much time on it because of the commissioner who waiting them stuff since a little time . 

Personaly about my situation , it's a bit difficult : because of the covid i pain for find a appartement for work in peacfull . But you know , sometime your worry about what think support And if your enouth good for your . (Typical artist pain)

I never tell you enouth thank you for support me .  Sometime i prefert take a bit of more time for push a work for be the most proud of it .

Next stuff come tomorrow  (Stuff voted )


Drippy's Dirty Deeds

No worries Hooves. You do what you have to do for yourself 💛


Hear, hear.

Mechis 468

So if we have ideas for pictures or animations, should we msg you or state them here? Also hang in there buddy, it'll work out for you!

I Am Gojo

Fans aren't going anywhere. I personally know how difficult it is to create a work of art when your mental health is doing well


I think that I speak for everyone when I say that your work is absolutely worth the wait. Please do whatever you need to for yourself!


You’re awesome mate


YEssss! FlutterNun!


Give your idea where you want , in comment or in my discord where we are a channel just for that


Not a lot of people can take this pressure with the public. Sometime you feel a bit alone front of all of you support x)