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Commission by Samus

How this thing can be possible to change so much of size ? Human are very digusting .

At the start it was a humiliation picture , but i'm not very okay with this stuff for personal reason . So i've do this one only if i can make a laternate version with more bigger size .

Next time should be an other commission !

Funny part to recreate exactly the same scene build than i've make on sfm , but on blender this time .




It's sure it's different for Fluttershy when you know the partners she met (big mac, sombra, spike) or you see her toys behind. It's the "magic" of meeting different partners. Unfortunately or fortunately, not everyone is the same (male or female).

Dragon Ranger

That first pic would be my luck.......

Brady Gorman

im a fan of the second one. Pound that goth flutters!


My size in real life


ooooh the tiny one so cute!