Program for the next (Patreon)
2022-02-09 00:49:01
Hello there ! always a lot of thing planned . I've in mind after the commission make with raven , to propose you a special poll , for let you select a charactere who don't come from mlp . I've some in mind and i want propose you something different .
I should goes for some day in vacation after the 18 , less than a week but i warn before goes .I need to clean my mind of all the adult content .
Don't esitate to propose me stuff to do , i like check new idea on the channel do for that on my server .
Tomorrow the luna picture should come !
- 1) Tier 3 : Picture voted Luna
- 2) Tier 3 : New polls special caratere other than mlp
- 2) Tier 5 : Animation voted : Pinkie / Pound cake
- 3) Tier 5 : Animation commission sunset shimer and fluttershy
- 4) Tier 3 : Short comics commission Celestia / Fleur /Raven inkwell
- 7) Tier 5 : Animation commission Applejack /Queen Chrysalis (futa)
- 8) Tier 1: Commission picture Pinkie pie/ Gummy
- 9) Tier 1 : Picture commission tempest shadow / Gummy