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April is finished! Unfortunately I still haven't found stuff for my computer =/ sorry about that since it's the pivot that will finally allow me to animate in Blender, it's not an issue of money, just planning. 

So much to go in May! I gotta make the Big Mom set, I gotta start an impregnation artpack and last but not least, I gotta work on your commissions and a collab animation on Blender! 

My country seems to always be on fire, we're getting used to the shitty situation that the government has made for us =/ I hope our protesting can inspire other people in other countries. 

But we're not here to talk politics, we're here to talk about butts! 

As I'm an artist I've always considered the idea of speaking about current day issues, but I'm not sure on what that might entail, maybe one day...




I sincerely hope the protest works!! I think of you all over there often!


yeah im on the board

Dragon Ranger

Prayers for France, hope you guys pull through.


Hope everything works out for you and all of France and that your protests inspire others