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I'm gonna eat you all! Every single one of you! All of the sushi, the ramen won't be spared either!

 Hello there! I want to announce that I'm going to take a break! I'm leaving for Japan tomorrow morning :D and I'll be back around October 12th so expect a content drought. 

I've been waiting for a year to make this trip. Don't worry, I'll be sharing some pictures of my vacation upon my return! Unless I miss my pane... ^^; 

The discord server should be a little empty but I'll be back, don't worry!




Have fun and stay safe


Have a good trip. Looking forward to seeing you again on October 12.


Have a great trip, Hooves!

Dragon Ranger

Have a safe trip Hooves, have fun and be careful!


Have a awesome time and stay safe.


Enjoy your time in Japan Hooves........

Herald Hearth

Hope you enjoy the sights and cuisine once ya land. :)




Nice food with 2 nice drinks on the side

Arc trooper Alex

Sunset shimmer is soooo hot we need more vids of her since there's not really a lot of her


Hope you get sushi THIS good over there!


Enjoy your trip. I was stationed there for 3 years. It's a great place to visit.

Andrew Peterson

How do I do a commission guys ??

TNF The_NightFlame

Welcome back Hooves! How was your trip to Japan? Where did you go to? What did you visit? I just want to know because i really want to go to Japan one day