Program for the next (Patreon)
2023-11-06 18:55:11
Hello there ! the work come soon , i'm on the post edit process of the short comics picture but there is 5 panel so it's a bit like if i've do 5 picture .
Meanwhile before christmas i wanted to make a short vote , we rewatch all the show of mlp and we got plenty of idea with that ... so i will propose you stuff who can be accurate with the show . Only for the 3 first season for the moment .
I would prepare a artpack for christmas too so don't esitate to give me idea for it ;) .
- 1) Tier 3 : Short comics commission Sweetiebelle / Rarity /Hondo flank (Almost done )
- 2) Tier 5 : Animation commission Ember and werewolf
- 3) Tier 3 : New vote theme "show accurate with episode "
- 4) Tier 1 : Picture commission princess ember, zecora with random male
- 5) Tier 5 : Animation commission Celestia and Big Mac
- 6) Tier 5 : Personal picture . no pony this time ;)
- 7) Tier 5 : Animation commission Cheerilee, Twilight, Sweetie Belle, Pound cake, Button
- 8) Tier 1 : Picture commission Octavia, Anon male
- 9) Tier 5 : Personal picture or animation ! (Applebloom)
- 10) Tier 1 : Picture commission Twilight, Cadence, Shining Armor