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New story file attached in link below!! 🥰

Sorry about the delay!! Getting back on schedule with a new story tomorrow though! 😇

This one’s a bit of a… different format, so I spaced the dialogue out a bit more; let me know if you prefer this, cuz maybe I’ll start doing it?
Also, I found some great genie gifs after I pretty much finished this story, so you might see one or two more genie stories in the near future… Hope you enjoy! 😘

Story link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQTQYD0S4ha1dOdj4-4dhqlO8h6GHcE0x_rCrUHnteIPaY2hHtJtOXo1wgNyNsZOYx1QGLbLWFAcmNM/pub

And sorry the story title’s so mean, I thought it was funny 😂


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