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New story file attached in link below!! 🥰

Please leave a like if you enjoyed, March schedule coming soon! 😇

💕I’m sending out the deleted old story files to more people in a little bit, please message me if you’re interested or haven’t received any yet! A lot of people are saying it’s going straight to spam, so I’ve added ‘2nd Attempt’ to the subject line cuz I’ve noticed a lot of junk get through to me that way… ❤️😅

Story link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR0zrAyx43CZr1p7yvWGtYg6FIGSbbjTk-43vDxuoFcWCjlIVBj8jRw32PRy0xlw8j-Qpxdpo84mPpX/pub


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