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This 1932 Indy Special represents the many privateer efforts in the early days of American open-wheel racing, embodying the raw ingenuity and unyielding spirit of pre-war motorsport drivers and their mechanics. The Special is powered by a 4.2 liter inline 4-cylinder engine which produced 148 HP, while being lighter than other stock block options and more reliable. The Special weighs 2,950 lbs, noticeably less than other stockcar based racers, such as the Studebaker entries. As a result the Special is slightly easier to manage through the corners and easier on its tires. The Special is capable of exceeding 120 mph on long straights and is a great option for privateer drivers who desire to take on the challenge of vintage American open-wheel racing.

Currently Featuring:
1. A glowing exhaust manifold based on exhaust temperatures.
2. Animated leafspring suspension.
3. Historically accurate physics based upon researched data. We also have used CSP extended physics to include more accurate additional physics simulation:
      a. CSP advanced physics tire code to enable a physical tire simulation (as opposed to a single contact point).
      b. RainFX support.
      c. Brake temperatures fully simulated, including brake fade.
      d. Specified the exact fuel density of the Benzene, Xylene, & Gasoline mixture for fuel weight CG purposes.
      e. Tire wear visuals, so you can actually see the tires wearing. And the tire will even explode visually if they blow.
      f. Visual tire flex and deformation.
      g. Transmission damage model.
      h. Engine damage model, with misfiring and power loss based on current engine health.
      i. Dozens of advanced CSP improvements over default Assetto Corsa physics engine.

1932 Studebaker v0.97 Update!

We've also updated the 1932 Studebaker as well!


  • Minor revision to tire physics (update to match current V1930s tire model).

  • Revised bottom of engine power curve.

  • New v1930s tire temperature physics code (same temp curve).


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