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From my Youtube Channel, something many of you will likely enjoy.

In this video I highlight the 1967 Can Am Complete Mod Collection & Championship. The championship includes custom AI files and every race from the 1967 season, including accurate weather. The mod collection includes most of the actual cars that raced that season, and if I couldn't find the exact car, I made do with a very close substitute. This mod collection follows on from my 1966 Can Am Complete Mod Collection & Championship.


1967 Can Am Complete Mod Collection & Championship for Assetto Corsa

In this video I highlight the 1967 Can Am Complete Mod Collection & Championship. The championship includes custom AI files and every race from the 1967 season, including accurate weather. The mod collection includes most of the actual cars that raced that season, and if I couldn't find the exact car, I made do with a very close substitute. This mod collection follows on from my 1966 Can Am Complete Mod Collection & Championship. If you love Can Am, and Can Am mods, then why don't you subscribe because eventually I'll be releasing the next installment in Can Am history as another mod collection and championship. 1967 Can Am Complete Mod Collection & Championship: https://docs.google.com/document/u/3/d/e/2PACX-1vQdFyIvbCeuau8zLU2YSmTtgxlqQVplm-PwETftj8IyzG3E80dKDtAwNDirpZkgTaIfSUqNXha8anLo/pub Consider joining the Casual Sim Studios Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/casualsimstudios?fan_landing=true Checkout the 1966 Can Am Complete Mod Collection & Championship: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U52qBtZg0_Y&t=653s 0:00 Trailer 1:34 Race at Stardust


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