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Tomorrow I will be releasing the 1907 Itala 36/45 into early access. Then on March 1st I will be releasing the 1915 Ford Model T Speedster into early access as well.

The Itala is a rather rough mod as the 3d model needs to be redone. This is part of the reason I decided against releasing the 1906 Itala as it had a few even rougher points. But don't worry I'll be posting them both after they get some in depth revisions to their 3d models.

In contrast, the 1915 Ford Speedster is very close to finished, and is likely to be the first mod I eventually complete here in the next few months. I've been working on it relentlessly the last week, and it is a really fun car to throw around the track.



The Ford Speedster must be a nice Great War era car to drive with the release of it being so soon. Can't wait to drive it around the Opel Rennbahn.

Historic Sim Studios

That is a good track for it, though it's like a Superspeedway... The car is so light, only 500kg, that it gets up to speed pretty quick


I'm curious about the Ford Speedster, will it be based on one of the street tuned versions or one of the racing specials? I'm aware that Ford Speedsters took part at Indy and other AAA championship races but it was mostly post-WWI