1906 Locomobile Early Access Release! (Patreon)
2022-04-02 02:56:06
2022-04-02 04:14:51
The 1906 Locomobile (beta 0.90) is released into early access. Download here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/180WxaRERlAn1Aald7FltNUKOp40wgJNd?usp=sharing
This mod comes with three skins for now, but includes an AO map for custom skins as well.
NOTE: This car requires the use of the handbrake because the rear drum brakes are activated by the handbrake. Meanwhile the brake pedal activates only the brake located on the drive shaft. There are NO front brakes. Working the brake pedal and the handbrake correctly is essential for fast lap times.
Known Issues (will be addressed in mid-month update later this month):
1. Needs LODS.