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1. The 1924 Alfa Romeo P2's 3d model is taking shape (see photo). On schedule for September, 2022.
2. The Locomobile is getting a revised collision model. We are behind schedule (mid-month update), it will be released once finished.
3. The Locomobile has AI issues (because of such low peak torque). We are behind schedule (mid-month update), still don't have great solution at this point. Once the Locomobile update is finished I'll release it with whatever the best idea I currently have.
4. The Locomobile needs some optimization, currently the FPS isn't ideal. This has been rescheduled to May, 2022.
5. I updated the store: https://historic-sim-studios.sellfy.store/ with new merchandise and I even reduced prices on most items, and because Sellfy lowered their costs even more HSS is actually making around $5 on everything but the sticker.
6. The 1934 Bugatti T59 is currently being imported into the game. Technically on schedule, but its going to be close to have it done with all physics in a solid place by May 1, 2022.

Otherwise I'm busy busy busy busy... with my new job, I'd say I have about 50% less time to devote to HSS. To help make up for that HSS has recently added another member to our team, Francisco! Currently he has been helping primarily with our AC Pro contract work, but he will begin helping with the AC mods here on Patreon in the coming months. Speaking of our contract work we are finishing up two major projects, we have a non-disclosure agreement with one of our clients and their projects (so they can sell the mods as their own), however, I'm hoping to share a few pictures and further details about the second project in a future post.

Everyone, have a great rest of your week!



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