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Power, speed... the momentum had been building towards a crescendo as the two German funded makes, Auto Union and Mercedes Benz competed to build faster and faster racecars... With the imminent conclusion of the Libre Grand Prix rules, only a few races remained for Mercedes to explore the true limits of speed. Those limits were reached during the 1937 AVUS Grand Prix when the mighty silver streamliners were revealed for Mercedes and Auto Union. During the race they slipstreamed and battled each other at 380kmh (236mph), in the end the Mercedes W25 Streamliner of Herman Lang would reign victorious...

1937 Mercedes W25 Streamliner (beta 0.9):
1. Finished sounds.
2. Accurate paint schemes and drivers (+1 bonus scheme).
3. The physics are close to finished.

There is a second version in development with wheel covers and a tiny bit faster top end speed with the risk of front wheel lift.

1. 1930s AVUS Circuit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kiNs-9b2E7eQDC7oM1AfziRw3WGRv4oR/view
2. 1937 Auto Union Type C Streamliner: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wbEsEZ4_VisIJimxa0pT78BPpu44JhiX/view




I think it's way too big


its huuge, like truck look here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J_7edAS48k it should to have same wheelbase as normal W25

Historic Sim Studios

Yes, we've watched all available footage of the streamliner. The chassis was extended and thus the wheelbase is longer too. The actual 1937 Mercedes W25 Streamliner was 6.3 meters long... while our version is in fact a bit shorter at only 6.1 meters in length.


Driving this thing on the wheel requires sooooo much skill. This is truly how it feels to drive something so unbelievably powerful while also lacking almost all downforce. I give Herman Lang and other streamliner drivers of this time mad, mad respect for driving these powerful beasts.


it's to big https://www.mercedes-benz.com/en/classic/museum/mercedes-benz-w-25-avus/

kenny moss

Mad car. It’s very difficult to control but a guess it’s all correct. Didn’t realise it was so big

Historic Sim Studios

Yup, it was a massive car. The tire physics are still in development and certain physics related to the suspension may change as changes are made to the 1934 Mercedes W25 Streamliner. Both the streamliner and the 1934 W25 share a lot of the same suspension code since in real life they used a lot of the same suspension parts.

kenny moss

Your attention to detail is fantastic. I’m a great fan of all historic race cars. Keep up the great work.