1937 Mercedes Benz W25 Streamliner (Patreon)
Power, speed... the momentum had been building towards a crescendo as the two German funded makes, Auto Union and Mercedes Benz competed to build faster and faster racecars... With the imminent conclusion of the Libre Grand Prix rules, only a few races remained for Mercedes to explore the true limits of speed. Those limits were reached during the 1937 AVUS Grand Prix when the mighty silver streamliners were revealed for Mercedes and Auto Union. During the race they slipstreamed and battled each other at 380kmh (236mph), in the end the Mercedes W25 Streamliner of Herman Lang would reign victorious...
1937 Mercedes W25 Streamliner (beta 0.9):
1. Finished sounds.
2. Accurate paint schemes and drivers (+1 bonus scheme).
3. The physics are close to finished.
There is a second version in development with wheel covers and a tiny bit faster top end speed with the risk of front wheel lift.
1. 1930s AVUS Circuit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kiNs-9b2E7eQDC7oM1AfziRw3WGRv4oR/view
2. 1937 Auto Union Type C Streamliner: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wbEsEZ4_VisIJimxa0pT78BPpu44JhiX/view