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Download the 1937 Mercedes W25 Streamliner HERE.

PLEASE NOTE: The version WITH wheel covers has the entirely new 1937 tire model, I spent a lot of time this month working to get the tires right, and though I believe they are likely more historically accurate then the old tires. I think actually think they have become more difficult to drive at higher speeds (which I wasn't wanting). I do think the lower speed handling has improved though. I'm not sure where to go from here, so I just put the new tires on only the wheel cover version, so it'll be easy to compare the two versions of the tires. I'll post a vote for people to decide which tires they would like me to continue working on.
1. All new historically accurate skins! Historically realistic fictional skins!
2. We have added another version of the car with wheel covers.
3. Added some brake fade.
4. Fixed a few minor visual bugs, concerning the mod's materials.



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