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First I want to apologize, I have been unable to deliver the 1934 Auto Union on the timeline I promised. I have tried to compensate for this by pumping out a lot of updates this month for other cars and hopefully you are all understanding of the tight timelines we attempt to operate under so you can experience an awesome new piece of racing history each month. But we just need to shift our schedule to free us up as we close out this year.

The 1934 cars have been handled by the same importer, Dan Lewis, to deliver consistency across those cars, however, Dan is pretty swamped right now and the 1934 Maserati 8CM is going to be pushed back to give him time to focus on finishing up both the 1934 Mercedes and the 1934 Auto Union. 

Both the 1968 Nissan R381 and the 1907 Itala 35/45 are already ready for an early access release this upcoming weekend. I have just posted a poll for our voting tiers to decide which one gets released this Sunday, the 18th. Make sure to vote because I will be counting them this Friday.

So this is the new timeline:

  • Sunday, September 18th: 1906 Renault AK version 0.99 will be released.
  • Sunday, September 18th: Winner of the poll will be released (Nissan or the Itala).
  • Saturday, October 1st: 1934 Mercedes W25 version 0.99 will be released.
  • Saturday, October 1st: 1934 Auto Union will be released into early access.
  • Tuesday, November 1st: 1934 Maserati 8CM will be released into early access.

Some really exciting news, I am having conversations with two automakers/brands about licensing, the one is 99% a done deal just ironing out the contract and the other is still in early stages. And to close this update out, I'll give a hint about the two brands I'm in conversations with, one starts with a "B" and the other starts with an "M".

I want to thank all of you for your continued support, this wouldn't be possible without each and every one of you!

And Historic Sim Studios has an Instagram account now!



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