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Hello everyone, we are wrapping up the 1906 Renault AK GP car, we just finished hand generating LODs for the car (which will be the way we generate all our LODs moving forward). And finalizing a few minor things in preparation for the car's public release.

As some of you may already know, the fact that I started HSS as a mod studio with a goal of actually someday turning a profit, put me in a negative light to a lot of the people over on Racedepartment, so I typically don't do a lot with that website. However, with the sale of Racedepartment to Porsche I now have different reasons to be hesitant about doing anything with Racedepartment. Despite this, Racedepartment obviously is still a major site for sim racing, at least currently.

Thus, should I release the 1906 Renault AK GP car on Racedepartment despite my reservations?



I understand your concerns but with HSS fighting for its long term future I feel like the potential exposure on RD is way too big to ignore. Especially with many historic mods doing so well, and you filling an untapped niche with pre-WWI cars among other things. I know RD can be a toxic place but some of the people who gave you trouble when you started aren't around anymore, and by going this far with HSS you probably proved a lot of doubters wrong. Right now with no other modding hub it can be hard to maintain a meaningful presence online if you're not on RD.


I agree with this. Racedepartment is how I indirectly found out about hss. I found the 1923 gp cars were so much fun I went looking for more content. Most people are not likely to put as much effort into finding good content.

Billy Raymond

Unless and until a new dedicated sim-racing community modding platform arises prompting a mass exodus, RaceDepartment is currently your best place to host in terms of publicity. HSS hasn't yet got the same reputation in the AC modding world as the likes of RSS or VRC, not helped by the fact its particular niche of bread-and-butter content; pre-WWII racing cars, is very far away from the mainstream. A RaceDepartment release will allow you to cast a wider net than just hosting it on your site alone, at least initially