1970 BRM P153 v0.75 Update! (Patreon)
2023-12-26 09:53:27
- All gauges added and animated.
- Lots of engine details added to car (spark plug wires respecting firing order and distributor, intake filters, strut bars, oil cap, throttle body, and fuel pump).
- Added mirrors
- Redesigned firewall.
- Revised rollbar.
- Optimized meshwork.
- New AO map for paint schemes.
- Added moving wings (based on setup changes).
- Added BRM badge on nose.
- Improved and added more details to the cockpit.
- More nuts and bolts throughout the car.
- New steering animation.
- New shifting animation.
- Fixed helmet issue.
- Higher wing angles for default setup to make it more stable for AI and users.